Pilates after Total Knee Replacement

by Sue

It's 2 yrs.post op since I had total knee replacement in both knees.

In order for them to last it's recommended that you lift not more than 25 lbs.

Pilates has you pushing and pulling your own body weight.

If we aren't allowed to lift more than 25lbs, how can I push and pull over 200lbs without consequence to my new knees?

What Pilates moves can I do? Or do I get rid of my Pilates?


I have found that my students with total knee replacements do very very well on the Pilates Reformer as it is non-weight bearing.

The Reformer utilizes spring tension to help with strength and, as you glide in and out it improves range of motion in the knee joint.

As you move through different footwork positions on the reformer you strengthen all the muscles of the feet, ankles, and up the leg. The exercises will not only improve your leg strength, but also improve your balance and walking gait.

The Pilates Chair works the knee joint as well, but with a more gentle range and weight if you wish.

The beauty of the Pilates exercise machines is that they all utilize spring tension for a low impact workout that helps to balance the length tension imbalances in the body perfectly.

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