Do you have a Pilates Question for me?
Are you having difficulties deciding which Pilates exercises are best for you to do or just how to do Pilates exercises safely?
Do you have a bad back, sore hips, shoulders, or a weak core?
This is where you can ask me anything you want regarding your specific health condition and I will try to direct you to the best Pilates-based exercises for you!
You can also find all my Pilates healthy back and joint exercises in my ebook here.
It's free and it's easy to do.
Due to the volume of questions I receive I decided to start this page to answer any questions you may have starting Pilates and/or deciding which exercises might be most beneficial for you.
Maybe you just wonder what Pilates really is and what it can do for you? Then check out this page to find out what is Pilates.
This will also give you a chance to read about back and joint problems that others are having that may be similar to your own.
Maybe you don't have a question, but you want to share with others a success story you've had with Pilates.
We would all love to hear how your back pain has gone away since you started doing Pilates, or maybe you have rehabilitated a frozen shoulder or knee or hip replacement using Pilates Exercises.
Do you have Osteoporosis and found that you were shrinking?
Then, after doing Pilates, you have gained back an inch or so due to the postural changes in your body.
I measure my own clients with Osteoporosis and other spine and postural conditions and have found many of them have grown!
Are you searching for general Pilates articles or a particular piece of info?
You may use this Google search box to help find specific phrases or topics. Be sure to check "" so you know you are getting the absolute best advice.
The advice I give is only my opinion and I encourage you and others to help me by contributing to the answers. It is a two-way web page.
You can ask a question, answer a question, or tell a story about how Pilates has helped you. You can become my co-expert on these questions by rating and submitting comments.
You can still contact me if you have a personal question that you feel would not benefit others or needs a more personal response.
Important: When you ask a question, please include as many details about your condition as you can.
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
SI Joint Pain Improved with Pilates!
Dear Jennifer,
I just wanted to reach out and thank you for dramatically improving and changing my life. About a year ago, I woke up in debilitating …
Lumbar herniated disc
I love Pilates and used to exercise regularly. However, I have been diagnosed with lumbar herniated disc and am now very conscious about not doing …
Beginner Pilates Student experiencing joint pain
My name is Therese i am 48yrs and active my last lessons were Piloxing and swimming.
I read quite a bit about Pilates so I decided to join. …
Pilates Exercises for Hip Flexors
I am curious about the type of Pilates exercises to do for tight hip flexors that are causing me back pain.
I had back surgery 14 months ago and it …
Pilates exercises with fused hip
I have had a surgical Arthrodesis of left hip(fusion) at the age of about 1 year, due to undiagnosed Osteomyelitis.
I therefore have no hip …
Pilates Reformer for Knee Replacement Surgery
I'd like to know what the best type of exercise would be best to strengthen my knee.
I have a Pilates Reformer machine.
I will have knee replacement …
Pilates for Cerebral Palsy
I have Cerebral Palsy.
One thing I have trouble doing is pointing
the toes on my right foot.
I'm trying to decide if I should invest in a Pilates …
Pilates for Post Spinal Fusion
I had an L4, L5, S1 spinal fusion 2 years ago.
Due to multiple reasons: inactivity and medications I have gained weight that I would like to lose. …
Pilates for SI Joint Dysfunction
I absolutely LOVE Pilates!
I started doing it 4 years ago and think that it sculpts my body into the best shape ever.
Unfortunately, I have severe …
SI Joint Dysfunction and Pain
Hi Jennifer, I just love your much good information...and it just goes on and on!
The photos are a great aid too.
I have had SI Joint …
C-Section and Pilates Exercise
I had a C-Section about 8 years ago and now after 2 more children (v-backs) I am getting back to the gym.
I am a bit out of shape but not too …
Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty
Four months ago I had an accident and smashed my hip and now have a bipolar hemiarthroplasty.
I live in England and have had to find my own way of …
Shoulder Ebook Exercises for pain and following a shoulder surgery.
I thought I would take a moment to say thank you and Hi!
I had been having A Lot of trouble with my right shoulder after a shoulder surgery with nothing …
Pilates Exercises after Total Hip Replacement.
I love your web site but am confused.
Which of your DVDs will actually show me the appropriate modifications I should do now that I've had my hip …
Sore Knees and Flat Feet
I have sore knees that also crunch when I walk due to being overweight and having flat feet.
I have seen a Pilates machine for sale and would like …
Pilates for Pregnancy
I am pregnant and in my last pregnancy I suffered from symphysis pubic dysfunction to the point that walking or even lying down was extremely painful. …
The Hundred
I attend a Pilates class twice a week and the instructor insists we all do the Hundreds in the advanced position.
Now the instructor has decided …
Using the Core for Breathing
My question is regarding keeping your belly pulled in during Pilates exercises.
Do you only pull your belly in during an exhale or do you keep it …
Can Pilates Help Sciatic Pain?
I have been having sciatic pain in my right side for several months now.
My chiropractor said it's because my pelvis is rotated. I don't want to …
Exercises for Winged Scapula
I have a winged scapula that is not upwardly or downwardly rotated.
Any ideas on what Pilates exercises I could perform to help this? I am in no …
Pilates Modifications for Spinal Stenosis
I know some Pilates exercises (e.g. Swimming) shouldn't be done if you have spinal stenosis.
Can these exercises be modified so they can be done …
Hip Popping on Leg Circles
Can you tell me what causes and what to do about uncomfortable popping in the hip during leg circles or when lowering the leg, such as in the …
Pilates workout attire
Pilates attire can range from loose fitting exercise clothing, long pants, short pants, to well fitted clothing, to stretch jeans on a boat.
Whatever …
Doing Pilates When your Back Hurts
"I'm trying to get into Pilates to strengthen my back and core muscles as I suffer from lower back pain and after having a baby things aren't as toned …
Hip pain after 4 months of Reformer Pilates Not rated yet
I had a total right hip replacement 8 months ago;
I rehabbed really quickly, although I was also (and still am) dealing with L4 spondylolisthesis. …
Spinal fusion of L3, L4, L5, and S1 Not rated yet
I'm a male 69 and would like your advice on what Pilates I might want to do to keep in shape and build strength in my back and abdomen.
I'm pretty …
Mid Section Exercise(s) after L4-L5 Fusion Not rated yet
I would like to know if there are any exercises for the mid-section besides walking that won't irritate the lower back.
I have a Pilates …
Pilates Cues for Menopausal and Larger Women Not rated yet
I attend Pilates at my local gym where the teachers also teach other classes as well and all have super fit bodies.
I am finding it hard to …
Neck and Shoulder Pain Help Not rated yet
I have had pain and tension in my neck and shoulders for several months. It hurt to turn to the right and the left.
I love doing Zumba a couple of times …
Pilates to help with balance and arthritis. Not rated yet
Myself and a friend would like to try Pilates but we both have Mennieres Disease.
Although my daily life is not affected by this, my friend has to …
Pilates Exercises and High Blood Pressure Not rated yet
I would like a list or a resource where I can find a list of safe Pilates exercises to do for someone with high blood pressure.
Thank you!
Pilates Exercise for the Older Adult Not rated yet
I’m a senior, and have home my own Pilates reformer machine.
I absolutely agree with your statement that 'Pilates exercises can and should be modified …
Sore Hips from Pilates or Running? Not rated yet
I like to keep quite active and up until 10 months ago I could run 12km with out any trouble.
I then did a Pilates class and arrived late to the session …
Scoliosis with Fusion Not rated yet
Hi there,
I have scoliosis with fusion, and it has been about 10 years since my corrective surgery.
I have been doing Pilates ever since, and luckily …
Pain in lower back and cracking Not rated yet
I am a 49 year old lady who has fallen a few times (4-5) on my back going down the stairs.
I have also injured my knees playing volleyball. …
Pain when doing or after Pilates Not rated yet
I have been taking Pilates for about 3 1/2 years now.
I absoultely love it, BUT all of a sudden I am having terrible problems.
My left hip is killing …
Vertebral Artery Dissection and Overextension of the Neck Not rated yet
On August 25th 2011 I had a mini stroke caused by a Vertebral Artery Dissection.
My doctor told me it is OK to do aerobic exercise but not …
Buldging Disc and Coccyx Fracture Not rated yet
I would like to know what type of exercises will help relieve or strengthen a client with an L4/L5 posterior herniation with a pain scale VAS of 6?
Pilates in Neutral or C-Curve? Not rated yet
I recently took a Pilates Certification Class and was taught to do the ab work in C-Curve position to protect the lower back.
Is that right? …
Pilates for Shoulder Pain Not rated yet
I have pain in my shoulder will Pilates help this?
No, not necessarily the mat exercises. Adding some …
Neck Degeneration, Neck Arthritis, TMJ and Pilates Jump Board. Not rated yet
I have neck problems and TMJ.
When I do the Pilates jump board without a mouth guard, I get a headache.
When I use my TMJ mouth guard and I do …
Doing Pilates in a Wheelchair Not rated yet
I would like to ask your advice regarding the range of Pilates exercises that may be of assistance to a client in his 20's who has Cerebral Palsy. …
Pilates after Back Surgery Not rated yet
Hi there,
To begin I would like to say that I am a two- time recovering patient from back surgery.
In 2008 and in 2010 I went though two surgeries …
Sacroiliac Joint or Pelvic Misalignment? Not rated yet
I have lower back pain, seemingly originating on the right side at the top of my SI Jt.
I have pain and tension going up my back on the right side …
Reformer Exercises and Scoliosis Not rated yet
I am wondering which Pilates Reformer exercises I should focus on for Scoliosis.
Thank you!
Jennifer's …
Hip and Lower Back Pain. Not rated yet
I am lifting crates in the dairy dept all day - or the most part of it.
After three weeks my lower back from the hip up the spine on the left side …
Pilates Exercises after L4 L5 Spinal Fusion Not rated yet
L3 and L4 have been fused 1 yr ago.
I started Pilates in May a year after my fusion.
My instructor is wonderful but I am not sure if there are …
Pilates for Men Not rated yet
As we are all diffrent, I would like to do Pilates exercises specifically to help me as a man.
Area's I would like to target:
- Core strength for …
Pilates Exercises for Osteoporosis Not rated yet
I am age 75 and have osteoporosis in my right hip and spine. I am in good health otherwise and in good physical condition.
I have been exercising on …
Pilates instead of Body Weight Training Not rated yet
Just wondering...I have known about Pilates for a long time.
I come from a fitness background. I am really frustrated with resistance training.
Walking Straight Again Not rated yet
I am a 20 year old who was born with a dislocated hip. This left me with a bad hip and 7 inch shortness in my left leg.
I have just had a total hip …
Pilates Chair Information Not rated yet
I'm a newbie to Pilates. I've never heard of a Pilates Chair.
I could really use some more information; maybe what constitutes a reasonable size range, …
Pilates DVD for Exercising with Multiple Bulging Discs Not rated yet
I am writing to ask about doing Pilates with multiple bulging discs.
I got your DVD and did the first part. I have tried a stretching DVD and it hurt …
Pilates Exercises for Hip Bursitis Not rated yet
I have hip bursitis and I would like a Pamphlet showing how to do the Exercise for my hip.
I'm tired of being in pain because I do not know what to …
Pilates Exercise for Curing Bracket Knee. Not rated yet
I am 30 years old and am suffering from having bracket knees due to bad appearance.
Would you please advise if Pilates exercises might be useful …
Difficulty holding Legs in the Air doing Pilates Not rated yet
I've recently joined a Pilates class and have been finding your site very helpful.
I've been having a problem with a few of the exercises and I'm hoping …
Pilates DVD for Back and Hip Pain Not rated yet
I just wanted to compliment your work and website.
I bought the modified pilates workout over a year ago. It's easy to make excuses and look elsewhere …
Rehabilitating a Shoulder Impingement Not rated yet
I ordered your Shoulder ebook on treating and preventing shoulder injury.
I am rehabilitating a shoulder impingement that doesn't limit range of …
Is Neutral Spine safe for people with Herniated discs? Not rated yet
A trainer mentioned to me that neutral spine was bad for patients with herniated discs.
He said that the position of the pelvis in neutral spine is …
Pilates for Spinal Stenosis Not rated yet
Hi, I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis.
I was wondering if it was still safe to do Pilates exercises?
I usually do my exercise at home …
Torn Labrum in Hip and Herniated Disc Not rated yet
I am 56 yrs. old. Due to problems, I tore my labrum in the right hip.
Then after the surgery which left me "bone on bone" in 6/7 months I needed total …
Post Pregnancy Core Strengthening Not rated yet
Hello. I am 31 years of age and had my second child 11 months ago. I eat healthy (lacto ovo vegetarian) and an having difficulty returning my core to it …
Spinal Fusion along with Kyphosis and Scoliosis Not rated yet
I have had severe scoliosis all my life.
I had a spinal fusion at age 13. I am now 41 and last year I had to have it redone and they got me pretty …
Pilates Exercises Helped my SI Joint Problem Not rated yet
Hi Jennifer,
I bought your Pilates Ebook back in Jul '09 as I was having SI joint problems do to my golf and karate type workouts. I am 62.
At …
Pelvic Floor Exercises for Uterine Prolapse Not rated yet
Wow! 2009 was not so kind to me.
Jan of 09 took a hard fall, which resulted in a uterine prolapse.
Finally in April, after trying numerous things …
Lax ligaments/hypermobility issues in the si joint Not rated yet
I suffered from a severe sacrioiliac joint sprain six months ago after changing my horse saddle to a broader one which also set me in a different position …
Spinal Fusion and Coccyxgectomy Not rated yet
I had a Spinal Fusion and Coccyxgectomy in the past six months.
My surgeon wants me to do core exercises.
Are there any Pilates moves I should …
Pilates Reformer for SI Joint Stabilization Not rated yet
I did Pilates on the Reformer today and really noticed my SI joints bothering me.
I think it was the short spine exercise.
Do you have …
Hip Stretch and Knee Stretch Not rated yet
I have always had tight muscles around the hips and knees.
What are some good Pilates exercises for a hip stretch and a knee stretch?
Jennifer's …
Apr 23, 20 06:20 PM
Aug 11, 17 12:29 AM
Jul 12, 17 06:44 PM
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