Pilates Exercises after Total Hip Replacement.

by Stacie Humphrey

Side Kicks for Hip Replacement

Side Kicks for Hip Replacement

I love your web site but am confused.

Which of your DVDs will actually show me the appropriate modifications I should do now that I've had my hip replacement surgery?

It looks like I ought to purchase/download your E-book. But after reading your "Standing/Lying Side Kicks", I've found your written descriptions to be not quite right.

For example, you start by writing, "With your top leg extended over the bottom leg...". This looked at first reading like a recipe for disaster, since it seemed like you were telling the reader to cross the mid-line, which would put the reader at risk for a dislocation.

I think you've got the exercises modified appropriately--I'd just be much happier watching someone demonstrate them.



Jennifer's Response:

Hi Stacie and sorry for the confusion in the description.

Let me clarify that for you: When lying on your side with your pelvis in neutral position (hips stacked up and the pubic bone lined up and pointed straight ahead) the top leg is extended straight over the bottom leg to begin, this means the legs are hip width apart as you are lying on your side.

You may keep a pillow between your legs if you are concerned about the top leg crossing the midline.

Most all of the Pilates Side Kicks will be appropriate for your hip replacement as they include abduction, (or taking the leg away from the midline of the body as you reach up) or working the front and back kicks, the bicycle, and the clam, which helps to stabilize the hips and pelvis in a neutral position.

The only possible exercise that you will find in the ebook or on the dvd that crosses the leg over the midline of the body would be the leg cicles, which you can modify by doing a half circle tending more to the lateral side on the circles.

You can modify any of the exercises lying on your side or with legs bent up in a tabletop position by placing a pillow or small ball between your knees to keep the pelvis and hips in a neutral or hip width position.

You would probably be happy with the DVD if you prefer watching and listening rather than reading the descriptions.

There are two 20 minute exercise sequences for your progression on the Healthy Back and Joint DVD you can find by going here.

Thanks for your question and good luck with your hip replacement!

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Sep 27, 2009
Pilates side kicks helped me after a total hip replacement.
by: Anonymous

The Pilates Side Kick sequence helped me to strengthen and regain some flexibility in my hip area after a total hip replacement a little over a year ago.

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